The SATS General Botha Old Boys’ Association data base has primarily been sourced and compiled from information submitted personally and voluntarily by the membership. Further data has been sourced from archive documents as well as other media posts and publications. All information retained on the database is relevant to disseminating the Association news and activities to its members and associates. The data is further retained historically for archive records. Only biographical information and names are used for purpose of dissemination of news in our newsletters and other various publications. Unless specifically requested, no personal details addresses or contact details will be published.

Our secure Database and records includes some or all of the following information – Title; Name; Spouse/Partner Name; Postal Address; Telephone Numbers; Email Address; Biographical Information. This database is maintained by the Chairman of the SATS General Botha Old Boys’ Association as well as the Webmaster. Consent is inferred by the individual’s voluntarily submission of such listed information.

We strive to the best of our ability and knowledge to comply with the relevant regulatory requirements, in the publishing of our newsletters and any other form of print and electronic publications, notifications of events and activities and/or sales advertisements.

You may request the Chairman ( should you wish to view your information on the database. Further information of your personal profile may be found on the Association’s website Muster List (

We will keep your data until such time as you choose to unsubscribe or request the Association to do so.

Personal identifiable information (such as Title; Name; Spouse/Partner Name; Postal Address; Telephone Numbers; Email Address) will be deleted from the database immediately you so request or unsubscribe.

It is understood by this Privacy Policy that your profile recorded on the Muster List on the Association’s website ( shall be retained on the website and in the archives for historical preservation.

We don’t share your personal data with other companies.

If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy please notify SATS General Botha Old Boys Association immediately by email (

Every effort is made to keep the database and all information secure using password secure access. Hard copy information is kept in a safe filing system. The database is backed up and made secure with password access. After five years all files relating to profile and documentation records are maintained for perpetuity in the Western Cape Archives and Records Service where the information is available for historical research only