Captain Sigmund Muldal # 1611 – 1949-50

21.01.1935 to 15.06.2001

My brother Sigmund was 7 years older than me, and I am unsure of the date when he would have graduated from the college.

He was highly talented, had a remarkable memory, was widely travelled, an avid reader.(astronomy, Egyptology and travel to name a few of the books he left in my care.) and was generous to a fault.

Sigmund moved to the UK in 2000. Sadly his dream of buying a barge and cruising up and down the canals wasn’t realised. He died of cancer in 2001.

I have fond memories of driving out to Gordons Bay with the family to visit him. My big brother. The white stones on the mountainside.


The above obituary sent by his younger brother Hans C.Muldal